APHA Szerző - Molnár G.3


 Influence of Ag additive to the spacer layer on the structure and Giant Magnetoresistance of electrodeposited Co/Cu multilayers.

Szerzők Neuróhr K.,  Péter L.,  Pogány L.,  Rafaja D.,  Csik A.,  Vad K.,  Molnár G.,  Bakonyi I.
Megjelenés helye SCI Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162 (2015) 331
Impakt faktor 3.0142015
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Materials Science and Analytics
Linkek Hivatkozások (1)


 Evolution of concentration profiles in Pd-Cu systems studied by SNMS technique.

Szerzők Molnár G.,  Erdélyi G.,  Langer G. A.,  Beke D. L.,  Csik A.,  Katona G. L.,  Daróczi L.,  Kis-Varga M.,  Dudás A.
Megjelenés helye SCI Vacuum 98 (2013) 70
Impakt faktor 1.4262013
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Materials Science and Analytics
Linkek Hivatkozások (2)


 Evolution of concentration profiles in Pd-Cu systems studied by SNMS technique.

Szerzők Molnár G.,  Erdélyi G.,  Langer G. A.,  Beke D. L.,  Csik A.,  Kis-Varga M.,  Dudás A.
Megjelenés helye 14th Joint Vacuum Conference, 12th Europena Vacuum Conference, 11th Annual Meeting of the German Vacuum Society, 19th Croatian-Slovenian Vacuum Meeting. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-8 June, 2012 0 (2012) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Materials Science and Analytics

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:200.090
Non-locally cited publications:200.090
Cited SCIpublications:200.090
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:200.090
SCICited publications:200.090
Non-locally SCIcited publications:200.090
SCICited SCIpublications:200.090
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:200.090
Non-local citations:300.1180
Non-local SCIcitations:200.090
Averaged impact:1.4800.1380
SCIaveraged impact:2.2200.090
Citational effectivity:1.500.090
Non-local citational effectivity:1.500.090
SCIcitational effectivity:100.090
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:100.090
Publications, n:7000
SCIPublications, n:7.5000
Cited publications, n:7.5000
Non-locally cited publications, n:7.5000
Cited SCIpublications, n:7.5000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:7.5000
SCICited publications, n:7.5000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:7.5000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:7.5000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:7.5000