Shape isomers of alpha-like nuclei in terms of the multiconfigurational dynamical symmetry

Seminar Shape isomers of alpha-like nuclei in terms of the multiconfigurational dynamical symmetry

Dang Phong

Atomki and University of Debrecen
Time 2023-07-06 11:00
Place Atomki, nagyelőadó (Debrecen, Bem tér 18/c, XII. épület 3. emelet)
Description of event

We introduce the multiconfigurational dynamical symmetry (MUSY) as the common intersection of the shell, collective and cluster models of atomic nuclei for multi-shell problems. Due to its connecting nature this symmetry can describe different phenomena in a unified way, which are usually treated by distinct theoretical approaches. Here we apply the MUSY to the alpha-type nuclei, and determine (i) their stable shapes, (ii) how they can clusterize, i.e. what is their relation to reaction channels, and (iii) their energy spectra.

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