APHA Szerző - Falahat S.4


 Proton capture reaction cross section measurements on 162Er as a probe of statistical model calculations.

Authors Özkan N.,  Güray R. T.,  Yalcin C.,  Tan W. P.,  Aprahamian A.,  Beard M.,  deBoer R. J.,  Almaraz-Calderon S.,  Falahat S.,  Görres J.,  Li Q.,  Sauerwein A.,  Sonnabend K.,  Wiescher M.,  Fülöp Zs.,  Gyürky Gy.,  Somorjai E.,  Greene J.
Megjelenés helye SCI Physical Review C Nuclear Physics 96 (2017) 5805
Impact factor 3.3042017
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics
Linkek DOI


 Systematic study of the alpha-optical potential via elastic scattering near the Z = 50 region for p-process nuclei.

Authors Palumbo A.,  Tan W. P.,  Görres J.,  Best A.,  Couder M.,  Crowter R.,  deBoer R. J.,  Falahat S.,  LeBlanc P. J.,  Lee H. -Y.,  O'Brien S.,  Strandberg E.,  Wiescher M.,  Greene J. P.,  Fülöp Zs.,  Kiss G. G.,  Somorjai E.,  Özkan N.,  Efe G.,  Güray R. T.
Megjelenés helye SCI Physical Review C Nuclear Physics 85 (2012) 5808
Impact factor 3.7152012
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (3)


 Constraining the S factor of 15N(p, gamma)16O at astrophysical energies.

Authors LeBlanc P. J.,  Imbriani G.,  Görres J.,  Junker M.,  Azuma R.,  Beard M.,  Bemmerer D.,  Best A.,  Broggini C.,  Caciolli A.,  Corvisiero P.,  Costantini H.,  Couder M.,  deBoer R.,  Elekes Z.,  Falahat S.,  Formicola A.,  Fülöp Zs.,  Gervino G.,  Guglielmetti A.,  Gustavino C.,  Gyürky Gy.,  Kappeler F.,  Kontos A.,  Kunz R.,  Leiste H.,  Lemut A.,  Li Q.,  Somorjai E.  + 47 ( Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye SCI Physical Review C Nuclear Physics 82 (2010) 5804
Impact factor 3.4162010
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (11)

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:200.0220
Non-locally cited publications:200.0220
Cited SCIpublications:200.0220
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:200.0220
SCICited publications:200.0220
Non-locally SCIcited publications:200.0220
SCICited SCIpublications:200.0220
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:200.0220
Non-local citations:1400.1090
Non-local SCIcitations:900.0820
Averaged impact:3.47800.0360
SCIaveraged impact:3.47800.0360
Citational effectivity:700.0220
Non-local citational effectivity:700.0220
SCIcitational effectivity:4.500.0220
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:4.500.0220
Publications, n:21.333000
SCIPublications, n:21.333000
Cited publications, n:23.5000
Non-locally cited publications, n:23.5000
Cited SCIpublications, n:23.5000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:23.5000
SCICited publications, n:23.5000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:23.5000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:23.5000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:23.5000