APHA Szerző - Roland Ch.4


 Triggering on hard probes in heavy-ion collisions with the CMS experiment at the LHC.

Szerzők Roland Ch.,  Béni N.,  Horváth D.,  Baksay G.,  Molnár J.,  Pálinkás J.,  Raics P.,  Szillási Z.,  Tôkési K.,  Trócsányi Z.,  Veszprémi V.  + 1955 (CMS Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye Nuclear Physics A 830 (2009) 523c
Impakt faktor 1.7062009
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Triggering on hard probes in heavy-ion collisions with the CMS experiment at the LHC.

Szerzők Roland Ch.,  Béni N.,  Horváth D.,  Baksay G.,  Molnár J.,  Pálinkás J.,  Raics P.,  Szillási Z.,  Tôkési K.,  Trócsányi Z.,  Veszprémi V.
Megjelenés helye 21st International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions. Quark Matter 2009. Knoxville, USA, 30 March - 4 April, 2009 0 (2009) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Particle ratio fluctuations in NA49.

Szerzők Roland Ch.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.  + 100 (NA49 Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye International Workshop on Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions. Florence, Italy, 7-9 July, 2006. Proceedings. (Proceedings of Science PoS(CFRNC 2006)) 0 (2006) 12
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Particle ratio fluctuations in NA49.

Szerzők Roland Ch.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.
Megjelenés helye International Workshop on Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions. Florence, Italy, 7-9 July, 2006 0 (2006) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Heavy-ion physics with the CMS and ATLAS experiments at the large hadron collider.

Szerzők Roland Ch.,  Molnár J.,  Béni N.,  Kapusi A.,  Baksay G.,  Raics P.,  Szabó Zs.,  Szillási Z.,  Zilizi Gy.,  Horváth D.,  Krasznahorkay A. Jr.
Megjelenés helye Symposium on Hadron Collider Physics 2006. HCP 2006. Durham, North Carolina, 22-26 May, 2006 0 (2006) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.


 Event-by-event fluctuations of particle ratios in central Pb+Pb collisions at 20 to 158 AGeV.

Szerzők Roland Ch.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.  + 100 (NA49 Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye Journal of Physics: Conference Series 27 (2005) 174
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Event-by-event fluctuations of particle ratios in central Pb+Pb collisions at 20 to 158 AGeV.

Szerzők Roland Ch.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.
Megjelenés helye MIT Workshop on Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 21-23 April, 2005 0 (2005) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Event-by-event fluctuations of particle ratios in central Pb+Pb collisions at 20-158 A GeV.

Szerzők Roland Ch.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.  + 101 (NA49 Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye SCI Journal of Physics G Nuclear and Particle Physics 31 (2005) S1075
Impakt faktor 2.1732005
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (1)


 Event-by-event fluctuations of particle ratios in central Pb+Pb collisions at 20-158 A GeV.

Szerzők Roland Ch.,  Gál J.,  Molnár J.
Megjelenés helye 8th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter. SQM 2004. Cape Town, South Africa, 15-20 Sept., 2004 0 (2004) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Nuclear Physics


 Heavy-ion physics at the LHC with the compact muon solenoid detector.

Szerzők Roland Ch.,  Molnár J.
Megjelenés helye 39th Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories. La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, 21-28 March, 2004 0 (2004) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Particle Physics and Miscell.
Összes Publikációja

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:200.010
Non-locally cited publications:200.010
Cited SCIpublications:200.010
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:200.010
SCICited publications:100.0050
Non-locally SCIcited publications:100.0050
SCICited SCIpublications:100.0050
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:100.0050
Non-local citations:1500.0750
Non-local SCIcitations:1000.050
Averaged impact:0.45101.2090
SCIaveraged impact:1.85300.010
Citational effectivity:7.500.010
Non-local citational effectivity:7.500.010
SCIcitational effectivity:1000.0050
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:1000.0050
Publications, n:3.917000
SCIPublications, n:2000
Cited publications, n:2000
Non-locally cited publications, n:2000
Cited SCIpublications, n:2000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:2000
SCICited publications, n:2000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:2000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:2000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:2000