APHA Szerző - Lichtenthaler R.4


 Comparison of 120Sn(6He,6He)120Sn and 120Sn(alpha, alpha)120Sn elastic scattering and signatures of the 6He neutron halo in the optical potential.

Authors Mohr P.,  de Faria P. N.,  Lichtenthaler R.,  Pires K. C. C.,  Guimaraes V.,  Lépine-Szily A.,  Mendes D. R. Jr.,  Arazi A.,  Barioni A.,  Morcelle V.,  Morais M. C.
Megjelenés helye SCI Physical Review C Nuclear Physics 82 (2010) 4606
Impact factor 3.4162010
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics
Linkek DOI


 Nuclear astrophysics at the east drip line.

Authors Kubono S.,  Teranishi T.,  Notani M.,  Yamaguchi H.,  Saito A.,  He J. J.,  Wakabayashi Y.,  Fujikawa H.,  Amadio G.,  Baba H.,  Fukuchi T.,  Shimoura S.,  Michimasa S.,  Nishimura S.,  Nishimura M.,  Gono Y.,  Odahara A.,  Kato S.,  Moon J. Y.,  Lee J. H.,  Kwon Y. K.,  Lee C. S.,  Hahn K. I.,  Fülöp Zs.,  Guimaraes V.,  Lichtenthaler R.
Megjelenés helye SCI European Physical Journal A direct (e) Supplement 27 (2006) 327
Impact factor 1.4592006
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (2)


 Study of proton resonances relevant to explosive hydrogen burning with CRIB (Abstr.: p. 65).

Authors Kubono S.,  Teranishi T.,  Notani M.,  He J. J.,  Wakabayashi M.,  Saito A.,  Baba H.,  Shimoura S.,  Odahara A.,  Michimasa S.,  Nishimura S.,  Nishimura M.,  Gono Y.,  Kato S.,  Moon J. H.,  Lee J. H.,  Lee C. S.,  Kim J. C.,  Hahn K. I.,  Fülöp Zs.,  Guimaraes V.,  Lichtenthaler R.
Megjelenés helye Nuclei in the Cosmos 8. Vancouver, Canada, 19-23 July, 2004 0 (2004) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Clusters, symmetries, and predictions.

Authors Cseh J.,  Lévai G.,  Intasorn A.,  Kato K.,  Lépine-Szily A.,  Hussein M. S.,  Lichtenthaler R.
Megjelenés helye Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics. Rab, Croatia, 14-19 June, 1999. Eds: M. Korolija, Z. Basrak and R. Caplar. Singapore, World Scientific 0 (2000) 89
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics
Linkek Hivatkozások (1)


 Elastic transfer: a non-dispersive component in the optical potential and its effect in the 12C+24Mg elastic scattering.

Authors Lépine-Szily A.,  Hussein M. S.,  Lichtenthaler R.,  Cseh J.,  Lévai G.
Megjelenés helye SCI Acta Physica Polonica B 30 (1999) 1451
Impact factor 0.5831999
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Elastic transfer: a non-dispersive component in the optical potential and its effect in the 12C+24Mg elastic scattering.

Authors Lépine-Szily A.,  Hussein M. S.,  Lichtenthaler R.,  Cseh J.,  Lévai G.
Megjelenés helye International Conference on Nuclear Physics Close to the Barrier, Warsaw, Poland, 30 June - 4 July, 1998 0 (1998) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Reaction anomalies as signatures of structure effects?.

Authors Lépine-Szily A.,  Hussein M. S.,  Lichtenthaler R.,  Cseh J.,  Lévai G.
Megjelenés helye Atomki Annual Report 1998 0 (1999) 17
Character Annual Report
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Clusters, symmetries and predictions (Summaries. Eds: Z.Basrak, et al. p.7).

Authors Cseh J.,  Lévai G.,  Intasorn A.,  Kato K.,  Lépine-Szily A.,  Hussein M. S.,  Lichtenthaler R.
Megjelenés helye 7th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics. Rab, Island of Rab, Croatia, June 14-19, 1999 0 (1999) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Elastic transfer: A nondispersive component in the optical potential, and its effect on the 12C + 24Mg elastic scattering.

Authors Lépine-Szily A.,  Hussein M. S.,  Lichtenthaler R.,  Cseh J.,  Lévai G.
Megjelenés helye SCI Physical Review Letters 82 (1999) 3972
Impact factor 6.0951999
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (4)

H891 --> P3070

Megjelenés helye SCI Physical Review C
Year of publication 1982
Page 2487
Volume 26
Hivatkozó Lichtenthaler R.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

H2681 --> P2626

Megjelenés helye SCI Physical Review C Nuclear Physics
Year of publication 1989
Page 884
Volume 39
Hivatkozó Lichtenthaler R.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

H10317 --> P22939

Megjelenés helye SCI 9th Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications. Quito, Ecuador, 18-22 July, 2011. Proceedings. Eds: Alarcon, R. et al. New York, AIP (AIP Conference Proceedings 1423)
Year of publication 2012
Page 119
Hivatkozó Lichtenthaler R.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

H24583 --> P10555

Megjelenés helye Proceedings of the International Conference on Inverse and Algebraic Quantum Scattering Theory (Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol.488) Eds: B.Apagyi, G.Endrédi, P.Lévay. Heidelberg, Springer
Year of publication 1997
Page 255
Hivatkozó Lichtenthaler R.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

H47694 --> P3070

Megjelenés helye SCI Physical Review C Nuclear Physics
Year of publication 1989
Page 884
Volume 39
Hivatkozó Lichtenthaler R.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:300.210
Non-locally cited publications:300.210
Cited SCIpublications:200.1390
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:200.1390
SCICited publications:300.210
Non-locally SCIcited publications:300.210
SCICited SCIpublications:200.1390
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:200.1390
Non-local citations:700.5480
Non-local SCIcitations:700.5480
Averaged impact:1.28400.7180
SCIaveraged impact:2.88800.3290
Citational effectivity:2.33300.210
Non-local citational effectivity:2.33300.210
SCIcitational effectivity:2.33300.210
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:2.33300.210
Publications, n:9.333000
SCIPublications, n:10.75000
Cited publications, n:11.667000
Non-locally cited publications, n:11.667000
Cited SCIpublications, n:14.5000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:14.5000
SCICited publications, n:11.667000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:11.667000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:14.5000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:14.5000