APHA Szerző - Petrov A.4


 Guiding of slow Ne7+ ions through nanocapillaries in a PET polymer: dependence on the capillary diameter.

Szerzők Stolterfoht N.,  Hellhammer R.,  Pesic Z. D.,  Hoffmann V.,  Bundesmann J.,  Petrov A.,  Fink D.,  Sulik B.
Megjelenés helye SCI Surface and Coatings Technology 196 (2005) 389
Impakt faktor 1.6462005
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Developm. of Instr. and Methods
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (3)


 Guiding of slow Ne7+ ions through nanocapillaries in a PET polymer: dependence on the capillary diameter.

Szerzők Stolterfoht N.,  Hellhammer R.,  Pesic Z. D.,  Hoffmann V.,  Bundesmann J.,  Petrov A.,  Fink D.,  Sulik B.
Megjelenés helye 13th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams. SMMIB 03. San Antonio, Texas, USA, 21-26 Sept., 2003 0 (2003) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Developm. of Instr. and Methods
Atomic and Molecular Physics


 Guided transmission of Ne7+ ions through nanocapillaries in PET: dependence on the tilt angle.

Szerzők Stolterfoht N.,  Hellhammer R.,  Pesic Z. D.,  Hoffmann V.,  Bundesmann J.,  Petrov A.,  Fink D.,  Sulik B.
Megjelenés helye Atomki Annual Report 2003 0 (2004) 34
Jelleg Annual Report
Témák Atomic and Molecular Physics


 Time evolution of ion guiding through nanocapillaries in a PET polymer.

Szerzők Stolterfoht N.,  Hellhammer R.,  Pesic Z. D.,  Hoffmann V.,  Bundesmann J.,  Petrov A.,  Fink D.,  Sulik B.,  Shah M. B.,  Dunn K. J.,  Pedregosa J.,  McCullough R. W.
Megjelenés helye SCI Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 225 (2004) 169
Impakt faktor 0.9972004
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Atomic and Molecular Physics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (14)


 Time evolution of ion guiding through nanocapillaries in a PET polymer.

Szerzők Stolterfoht N.,  Hellhammer R.,  Pesic Z. D.,  Hoffmann V.,  Bundesmann J.,  Petrov A.,  Fink D.,  Sulik B.,  Shah M. B.,  Dunn K. J.,  Pedregosa J.,  McCullough R. W.
Megjelenés helye Summer School TRACKS03 on the Evolution of Ion Matter from the Inittial Excitation to Columnar Nano Structures. Mühlhausen, Germany, 8-15 Sept., 2003 0 (2004) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Atomic and Molecular Physics


 Guided transmission of HCI-s through capillaries in insulators (Abstr.: p. 44).

Szerzők Hellhammer R.,  Pesic Z. D.,  Bundesmann J.,  Hoffmann V.,  Fink D.,  Petrov A.,  Sulik B.,  Skuratov V. A.,  Stolterfoht N.
Megjelenés helye 18th International Seminar on Ion-Atom Collisions. ISIAC 2003. Stockholm-Helsinki-Stockholm, Sweden, July 30 - Aug. 1, 2003 0 (2003) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics


 Scattering of slow Ne7+ ions through nanocapillaries in PET polymers: evidence for ion-guiding (Booklet of Programs and Abstracts: p. 30).

Szerzők Stolterfoht N.,  Pesic Z. D.,  Hellhammer R.,  Hoffmann V.,  Bundesmann J.,  Sulik B.,  Petrov A.,  Fink D.
Megjelenés helye Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Charged-Particle Transport through Nanostructures and Solids. Debrecen, Hungary, 14-16 Nov., 2003 0 (2003) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics


 Guided transmission of Ne7+ ions through nanocapillaries in PET: depencence on the tilt angle.

Szerzők Stolterfoht N.,  Hellhammer R.,  Pesic Z.,  Hoffmann V.,  Bundesmann J.,  Petrov A.,  Fink D.,  Sulik B.
Megjelenés helye SCI Vacuum 73 (2004) 31
Impakt faktor 0.9022004
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (14)


 Guided transmission of 3 keV Ne7+ ions through nanocapillaries etched in a PET polymer.

Szerzők Stolterfoht N.,  Hoffmann V.,  Hellhammer R.,  Pesic Z. D.,  Fink D.,  Petrov A.,  Sulik B.
Megjelenés helye SCI Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 203 (2003) 246
Impakt faktor 1.0412003
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (20)


 Evidence for guidence of Ne(7+) ions through nanocapillaries in PET (Abstr.: 167).

Szerzők Stolterfoht N.,  Bremer J. -H.,  Hellhammer R.,  Hoffmann V.,  Sulik B.,  Petrov A.,  Fink D.
Megjelenés helye 11th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions. HCI-2002. Caen, France, 1-6 Sept., 2002 0 (2002) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Atomic and Molecular Physics
Összes Publikációja

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:500.6190
Non-locally cited publications:500.6190
Cited SCIpublications:500.6190
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:500.6190
SCICited publications:500.6190
Non-locally SCIcited publications:500.6190
SCICited SCIpublications:500.6190
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:500.6190
Non-local citations:161021.8630
Non-local SCIcitations:110014.8330
Averaged impact:0.99201.3940
SCIaveraged impact:2.38200.6190
Citational effectivity:34.800.6190
Non-local citational effectivity:32.200.6190
SCIcitational effectivity:2400.6190
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:2200.6190
Publications, n:7.5000
SCIPublications, n:7.4000
Cited publications, n:7.4000
Non-locally cited publications, n:7.4000
Cited SCIpublications, n:7.4000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:7.4000
SCICited publications, n:7.4000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:7.4000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:7.4000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:7.4000