APHA Szerző - Yordanov O.4


 Competing quasiparticle and collective structures in the transitional nuclei 102Cd, 104Cd.

Authors Lieb K. P.,  Müller G. A.,  Kast D.,  Galindo E.,  Hausmann M.,  Jungclaus A.,  Yordanov O.,  Algora A.,  de Angelis G.,  Fahlander C.,  Gadea A.,  Martinez T.,  Napoli D. R.,  de Poli M.,  Bizzeti P. G.,  Brandolini F.,  Brant S.,  Vretenar D.,  Dewald A.,  Peusquens R.,  Tiesler H.,  Górska M.,  Grawe H.,  Johnstone I. P.
Megjelenés helye 7th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics: Challenges of Nuclear Structure. Maiori, Italy, 27-31 May, 2001. Proceedings. Ed.: Cavello, A. Singapore, World Scientific 0 (2002) 347
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Electromagnetic transition strengths in Cd104 and Ag101 and their interpretation within the interacting boson (fermion) plus broken pair model.

Authors Jungclaus A.,  Müller G. A.,  Galindo E.,  Yordanov O.,  Hausmann M.,  Kast D.,  Lieb K. P.,  Brant S.,  Krstic V.,  Vretenar D.,  Algora A.,  Brandolini F.,  de Angelis G.,  de Poli M.,  Fahlander C.,  Gadea A.,  Martinez T.,  Napoli D. R.,  Dewald A.,  Peusquens R.,  Tiesler H.,  Górska M.,  Grawe H.
Megjelenés helye The Nuclear many-body problem 2001. Brijuni, Croatia, 2-5 June, 2001. Proceedings. Eds: W. Nazarewicz et al. Dordrecht etc., Kluwer Academic Publ. (NATO Science Series. II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 53) 53 (2002) 145
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Pair backing in a shears band of In-104.

Authors Yordanov O.,  Lieb K. P.,  Galindo E.,  Hausmann M.,  Jungclaus A.,  Müller G. A.,  Brandolini F.,  Algora A.,  Gadea A.,  Napoli D.,  Martinez T.
Megjelenés helye 8th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics: Key Topics in Nuclear Structure. Paestum, Italy, 23-27 May, 2004. Proceedings. Ed.: A. Covello. Singapore, World Scientific Pub. Co. 0 (2005) 223
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Pair backing in a shears band of In-104.

Authors Yordanov O.,  Lieb K. P.,  Galindo E.,  Hausmann M.,  Jungclaus A.,  Müller G. A.,  Brandolini F.,  Algora A.,  Gadea A.,  Napoli D.,  Martinez T.
Megjelenés helye 8th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics: Key Topics in Nuclear Structure. Paestum, Italy, 23-27 May, 2004 0 (2004) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Competing collective and quasiparticle structures in the transitional nucleus 104Cd.

Authors Müller G. A.,  Galindo E.,  Hausmann M.,  Jungclaus A.,  Kast D.,  Lieb K. P.,  Yordanov O.,  Algora A.,  de Angelis G.,  Bizzeti P. G.,  Brandolini F.,  Brant S.,  Dewald A.,  Fahlander C.,  Gadea A.,  Górska M.,  Grawe H.,  Martinez T.,  Napoli D. R.,  Peusquens R.,  de Poli M.,  Tiesler H.
Megjelenés helye Proceedings of International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics. Göttingen, Germany, 5-8 March, 2001. Eds: R. Casten, J. Jolie, U. Kneissl, at al. Singapore, World Scientific 1 (2001) 385
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Competing collective and quasiparticle structures in the transitional nucleus 104Cd.

Authors Müller G. A.,  Galindo E.,  Hausmann M.,  Jungclaus A.,  Kast D.,  Lieb K. P.,  Yordanov O.,  Algora A.,  de Angelis G.,  Bizzeti P. G.,  Brandolini F.,  Brant S.,  Dewald A.,  Fahlander C.,  Gadea A.,  Górska M.,  Grawe H.,  Martinez T.,  Napoli D. R.,  Peusquens R.,  de Poli M.,  Tiesler H.
Megjelenés helye International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics. Göttingen, Germany, March 5-8, 2001 0 (2001) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Lifetime measurements of a magnetic shears band in 104In.

Authors Yordanov O.,  Galindo E.,  Hausmann M.,  Jungclaus A.,  Müller G. A.,  Lieb K. P.,  Brandolini F.,  Napoli D. R.,  Algora A.,  Martinez T.,  Gadea A.,  Górska M.
Megjelenés helye Proceedings of International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics. Göttingen, Germany, 5-8 March, 2001. Eds: R. Casten, J. Jolie, U. Kneissl, at al. Singapore, World Scientific 1 (2001) 419
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Lifetime measurements of a magnetic shears band in 104In.

Authors Yordanov O.,  Galindo E.,  Hausmann M.,  Jungclaus A.,  Müller G. A.,  Lieb K. P.,  Brandolini F.,  Napoli D. R.,  Algora A.,  Martinez T.,  Gadea A.,  Górska M.
Megjelenés helye International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics. Göttingen, Germany, March 5-8, 2001 0 (2001) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Coincidence lifetime-measurements in 101Ag.

Authors Galindo E.,  Hausmann M.,  Jungclaus A.,  Lieb K. P.,  Müller G. A.,  Yordanov O.,  Algora A.,  de Angelis G.,  Bizzeti P. G.,  Brandolini F.,  Dewald A.,  Fahlander C.,  Gadea A.,  Górska M.,  Grawe H.,  Martinez T.,  Napoli D. R.,  Peusquens R.,  de Poli M.,  Tiesler H.
Megjelenés helye Proceedings of International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics. Göttingen, Germany, 5-8 March, 2001. Eds: R. Casten, J. Jolie, U. Kneissl, at al. Singapore, World Scientific 1 (2001) 355
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Coincidence lifetime-measurements in 101Ag.

Authors Galindo E.,  Hausmann M.,  Jungclaus A.,  Lieb K. P.,  Müller G. A.,  Yordanov O.,  Algora A.,  de Angelis G.,  Bizzeti P. G.,  Brandolini F.,  Dewald A.,  Fahlander C.,  Gadea A.,  Górska M.,  Grawe H.,  Martinez T.,  Napoli D. R.,  Peusquens R.,  de Poli M.,  Tiesler H.
Megjelenés helye International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics. Göttingen, Germany, March 5-8, 2001 0 (2001) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Nuclear Physics
Összes Publikációja

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:200.0820
Non-locally cited publications:200.0820
Cited SCIpublications:200.0820
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:200.0820
SCICited publications:200.0820
Non-locally SCIcited publications:200.0820
SCICited SCIpublications:200.0820
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:200.0820
Non-local citations:800.330
Non-local SCIcitations:700.2880
Averaged impact:0.44900.7060
SCIaveraged impact:2.69500.0820
Citational effectivity:400.0820
Non-local citational effectivity:400.0820
SCIcitational effectivity:3.500.0820
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:3.500.0820
Publications, n:17.833000
SCIPublications, n:23.5000
Cited publications, n:23.5000
Non-locally cited publications, n:23.5000
Cited SCIpublications, n:23.5000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:23.5000
SCICited publications, n:23.5000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:23.5000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:23.5000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:23.5000