APHA Szerző - Kochanek I.4


 Information of the new LUNA experimental setup for high precision measurement of the 13C(alpha, n)16O reaction for astrophysical purposes.

Authors Csedreki L.,  Ciani G. F.,  Kochanek I.,  Best A.
Megjelenés helye EPJ (European Physical Journal) Web of Conferences 165 (2017) 1017
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Target characterizations for direct measurement of the 13C(alpha, n)16O reaction at LUNA 400.

Authors Ciani G. F.,  Best A.,  Csedreki L.,  Gyürky Gy.,  Kochanek I.
Megjelenés helye EPJ (European Physical Journal) Web of Conferences 165 (2017) 1012
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Nuclear Astrophysics in underground laboratories: the LUNA experiment.

Authors Caciolli A.,  Ciani G. F.,  Csedreki L.,  Di Paolo L.,  Formicola A.,  Junker M.,  Kochanek I.,  Razeto A.,  D'Erasmo G.,  Fiore E. M.,  Mossa V.,  Pantaleo F. R.,  Paticchio V.,  Schiavulli L.,  Lugaro M.,  Elekes Z.,  Fülöp Zs.,  Gyürky Gy.,  Szücs T.,  Bemmerer D.,  Stöckel K.,  Takács M.,  Aliotta M.,  Bruno C. G.,  Chillery T.,  Davinson T.,  Cavanna F.,  Corvisiero P.,  Ferraro F.  + 44 (LUNA Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye EPJ (European Physical Journal) Web of Conferences 163 (2017) 9
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Feasibility study of the 13C(alpha, n)16O reaction at LUNA.

Authors Kochanek I.,  Boeltzig A.,  Ciani G. F.,  Prati P.,  Csedreki L.,  Formicola A.,  Junker M.,  Razeto A.,  D'Erasmo G.,  Fiore E. M.,  Mossa V.,  Pantaleo F. R.,  Paticchio V.,  Schiavulli L.,  Lugaro M.,  Elekes Z.,  Fülöp Zs.,  Gyürky Gy.,  Szücs T.,  Bemmerer D.,  Stöckel K.,  Takács M.,  Takács M. P.,  Aliotta M.,  Bruno C. G.,  Davinson T.,  Cavanna F.,  Corvisiero P.,  Ferraro F.,  Zavatarelli S.  + 45 (LUNA Collaboration)
Megjelenés helye EPJ (European Physical Journal) Web of Conferences 136 (2017) 1010
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics
Linkek DOI

H53934 --> P15068

Megjelenés helye Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Year of publication 2016
Page 2024
Volume 703
Hivatkozó Kochanek I.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
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Non-locally SCIcited publications:0000
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Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:0000
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Averaged impact:000.3580
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Citational effectivity:0000
Non-local citational effectivity:0000
SCIcitational effectivity:0000
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:0000
Publications, n:16000
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Cited publications, n:0000
Non-locally cited publications, n:0000
Cited SCIpublications, n:0000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:0000
SCICited publications, n:0000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:0000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:0000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:0000