Authors | Skakun Ye., Utenkov S., Mishchenko V., Farkas J., Fülöp Zs., Gyürky Gy., Kiss G. G., Somorjai E., Rauscher T. |
Megjelenés helye | 3rd International Conference Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy (NPAE-Kyiv2010). Kyiv, Ukraine, 7-12 June 2010. Proceedings 0 (2011) 207 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Nuclear Physics |
Authors | Skakun Ye., Farkas J., Fülöp Zs., Gyürky Gy., Kiss G. G., Somorjai E. |
Megjelenés helye | 11th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos. NIC XI. Heidelberg, Germany, 19-23 July, 2010 0 (2010) 0 |
Character | Conf. abstract, poster, talk |
Topics |
Nuclear Physics |
Authors | Skakun Ye., Farkas J., Fülöp Zs., Gyürky Gy., Kiss G. G., Somorjai E. |
Megjelenés helye | 3rd International Conference on Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy. Kyiv, Ukraine, 7-12 June, 2010 0 (2010) 0 |
Character | Conf. abstract, poster, talk |
Topics |
Nuclear Physics |
Authors | Skakun Ye., Utenkov S., Goncharov A., Mishchenko V., Kiss G. G., Rauscher T. |
Megjelenés helye | 10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos. NIC 10. Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA, 27 July - 1 Aug., 2008. Proceedings (Proceedings of Science PoS(NIC X) NIC X (2009) 98 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Nuclear Physics |
Authors | Skakun Ye., Kiss G. G. |
Megjelenés helye | 10th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC 10. Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA, 27 July - 1 Aug., 2008 0 (2008) 0 |
Character | Conf. abstract, poster, talk |
Topics |
Nuclear Physics |
Authors | Tárkányi F., Takács S., Hermanne A., Van den Winkel P., van der Zwart R., Skakun Ye., Shubin Yu. N., Kovalev S. F. |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Radiochimica Acta 93 (2005) 561 |
Impact factor | 0.8462005 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Nuclear Physics Developm. of Instr. and Methods Biological and Medical Sciences |
Linkek | DOI Hivatkozások (15) |
Authors | Hilgers K., Spahn I., Skakun Ye., Tárkányi F., Takács S., Qaim S. M., Coenen H. H. |
Megjelenés helye | Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany (April 1, 2003 - March 31, 2004). Ed.: S.M.Qaim. Jülich, Forschungszentrum Jülich. (NEA/NSC/DOC(2004)14. INDC(Ger)-050. Jül-4151) 0 (2004) 15 |
Character | Annual Report |
Topics |
Nuclear Physics Biological and Medical Sciences |
Authors | Kettern K., Hilgers K., Kastleiner S., Spellerberg S., Scholten B., Nortier F. M., van der Walt T. N., Tárkányi F., Kovács Z., Sudár S., Skakun Ye., Hassan H. E., Coenen H. H., Qaim S. M. |
Megjelenés helye | Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany, April 1, 2001 - March 31, 2002. Ed.: S.M. Quaim. Vienna, IAEA. (NEA/NSC/Doc.(2002)8; INDC(Ger)-048; Jül-3996) 0 (2002) 9 |
Character | Annual Report |
Topics |
Nuclear Physics Developm. of Instr. and Methods Biological and Medical Sciences |
Authors | Kastleiner S., Hess E., Bastian T., Kettern K., Stoll T., Spellerberg S., Blessing G., Scholten B., Nortier F. M., van der Walt T. N., Tárkányi F., Kovács Z., Takács S., Sudár S., Skakun Ye., Coenen H. H., Qaim S. M. |
Megjelenés helye | Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001. NEA/NSC/DOC(2001)15, INDC(Ger)-047 Jül-3894 0 (2001) 9 |
Character | Annual Report |
Topics |
Nuclear Physics Biological and Medical Sciences |
Megjelenés helye | SCI International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology. Santa Fe, NM, USA, 26 Sept. - 1 Oct., 2004. Proceedings. Eds: Haight, R.C., Talou, P., Kawano, T. et al. AIP (AIP Conference Proceedings 769) |
Year of publication | 2005 |
Page | 1634 |
Hivatkozó | Skakun Ye. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Megjelenés helye | 2nd International Conference on Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy. NPAE-Kyiv2008. 9-15 June, 2008. Proceedings. Kyiv, Institut Yadernikh Doslidzhen NAN Ukraini |
Year of publication | 2008 |
Page | 482 |
Hivatkozó | Skakun Ye. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Megjelenés helye | International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology. Nice, France, 22-27 April, 2007. Proceedings. Eds.: Bersillon, O., Gunsing, F., Bange, E. et al. EDP Sciences |
Year of publication | 2008 |
Page | 1379 |
Hivatkozó | Skakun Ye. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Applied Radiation and Isotopes |
Year of publication | 2008 |
Page | 653 |
Volume | 66 |
Hivatkozó | Skakun Ye. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Applied Radiation and Isotopes |
Year of publication | 2008 |
Page | 653 |
Volume | 66 |
Hivatkozó | Skakun Ye. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Applied Radiation and Isotopes |
Year of publication | 2008 |
Page | 653 |
Volume | 66 |
Hivatkozó | Skakun Ye. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Megjelenés helye | SCI 10th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolutions of Galaxies: From the Dawn of Universe to the Formation of Solar System. Sapporo, Japan, 4-7 Dec., 2007. Proceedings. Eds.: Takuma Suda et al. NY, AIP (AIP Conference Proceedings 1016) |
Year of publication | 2008 |
Page | 439 |
Hivatkozó | Skakun Ye. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Megjelenés helye | International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology. Nice, France, 22-27 April, 2007. Proceedings. Eds.: Bersillon, O., Gunsing, F., Bange, E. et al. EDP Sciences |
Year of publication | 2008 |
Page | 1 |
Hivatkozó | Skakun Ye. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Applied Radiation and Isotopes |
Year of publication | 2008 |
Page | 653 |
Volume | 66 |
Hivatkozó | Skakun Ye. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Megjelenés helye | 2nd International Conference on Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy. NPAE-Kyiv2008. 9-15 June, 2008. Proceedings. Kyiv, Institut Yadernikh Doslidzhen NAN Ukraini |
Year of publication | 2009 |
Page | 482 |
Volume | 1 |
Hivatkozó | Skakun Ye. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Szerzői Táblázat
Total | Headed by ATOMKI under name of the author |
Part of the author | Part of the author & ATOMKI | |
Publications: | 9 | 0 | 0.858 | 0 |
SCIPublications: | 1 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Cited publications: | 1 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Non-locally cited publications: | 1 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Cited SCIpublications: | 1 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Non-locally cited SCIpublications: | 1 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
SCICited publications: | 1 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Non-locally SCIcited publications: | 1 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
SCICited SCIpublications: | 1 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications: | 1 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Citations: | 15 | 0 | 0.938 | 0 |
Non-local citations: | 15 | 0 | 0.938 | 0 |
SCICitations: | 15 | 0 | 0.938 | 0 |
Non-local SCIcitations: | 6 | 0 | 0.375 | 0 |
Impact~2005: | 0.846 | 0 | 0.858 | 0 |
Averaged impact: | 0.094 | 0 | 0.858 | 0 |
SCIaveraged impact: | 0.846 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Citational effectivity: | 15 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Non-local citational effectivity: | 15 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
SCIcitational effectivity: | 6 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity: | 6 | 0 | 0.063 | 0 |
Publications, n: | 7.333 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
SCIPublications, n: | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cited publications, n: | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally cited publications, n: | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cited SCIpublications, n: | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n: | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
SCICited publications, n: | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n: | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
SCICited SCIpublications, n: | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n: | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
z-index: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |