APHA Szerző - Kawatsura K.4


 High resolution L Auger electron spectra from fast projectile ions studied by zero-degree electron spectroscopy.

Authors Kawatsura K.,  Sataka M.,  Kitazawa S.,  Komaki K.,  Yamazaki Y.,  Azuma T.,  Kanai Y.,  Imai M.,  Shibata H.,  Tawara H.,  Hansen J. E.,  Kádár I.,  Stolterfoht N.
Megjelenés helye SCI Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 88 (1998) 83
Impact factor 1.0151998
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Linkek Hivatkozások (1)


 High resolution L X-ray emission spectra of Fe and Cu induced by 0.75 MeV/u ionimpact.

Authors Kageyama H.,  Takahashi R.,  Hamaguchi D.,  Awata T.,  Nakae T.,  Nishihata A.,  Kawatsura K.,  Arai S.,  Aoki Y.,  Yamamoto S.,  Takeshita H.,  Goppelt-Langer P.,  Naramoto H.,  Kambara T.,  Oura M.,  Papp T.,  Kanai Y.,  Awaya Y.,  Horino Y.,  Mokuno Y.,  Chayahara A.,  Kinomura A.,  Tsubouchi N.,  Fujii K.
Megjelenés helye International Journal of PIXE 5 (1995) 203
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (1)


 Angular distribution measurements of x-rays from multiply ionized atoms.

Authors Papp T.,  Awaya Y.,  Kambara T.,  Kawatsura K.,  Koyima T. M.,  Nakai Y.,  Oura M.
Megjelenés helye Atomki Annual Report 1995 0 (1996) 48
Character Annual Report
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics


 Angular distribution measurements of X-rays from multiply ionized atoms.

Authors Papp T.,  Awaya Y.,  Kambara T.,  Kawatsura K.,  Takao M. Kojima.,  Nakai Y.,  Oura M.
Megjelenés helye RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1995 29 (1996) 105
Character Annual Report
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics


 L X-ray emission spectra of copper.

Authors Kawatsura K.,  Takahashi R.,  Kageyama H.,  Kambara T.,  Oura M.,  Papp T.,  Kanai Y.,  Awaya Y.
Megjelenés helye RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1995 29 (1996) 104
Character Annual Report
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics


 L X-ray spectra of Fe and Cu by 0.75 MeV/u H, He, Si and Ar ion impacts.

Authors Kageyama H.,  Kawatsura K.,  Takahashi R.,  Awata T.,  Nakae T.,  Arai S.,  Kambara T.,  Oura M.,  Papp T.,  Kanai Y.,  Awaya Y.,  Takeshita H.,  Aoki Y.,  Yamamoto S.,  Goppelt-Langer P.,  Naramoto H.,  Horino Y.,  Mokuno Y.,  Fujii K.
Megjelenés helye SCI Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 107 (1996) 47
Impact factor 1.1401996
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (1)


 High-resolution L-shell Auger spectroscopy of Mg-like scandium produced in 89-MeV Sc8+ +He collisions.

Authors Sataka M.,  Kawatsura K.,  Naramoto H.,  Nakai Y.,  Yamazaki Y.,  Komaki K.,  Kuroki K.,  Kanai Y.,  Kambara T.,  Awaya Y.,  Hansen J. E.,  Kádár I.,  Stolterfoht N.
Megjelenés helye SCI Physical Review A 44 (1991) 7290
Impact factor 2.1181991
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics


 High-resolution Auger spectroscopy of Na-like argon and sulfur ions singly excited in high-energy collisions with light target atoms.

Authors Kádár I.,  Altevogt H.,  Köhrbrück R.,  Montemayor V. C.,  Mattis A.,  Schiwietz G.,  Skogvall B.,  Sommer K.,  Stolterfoht N.,  Kawatsura K.,  Sataka M.,  Nakai Y.,  Naramoto H.,  Kanai Y.,  Kambara T.,  Awaya Y.,  Komaki Y.,  Yamazaki Y.
Megjelenés helye SCI Physical Review A 44 (1991) 2900
Impact factor 2.1181991
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Linkek Hivatkozások (2)


 L-Auger spectroscopy of highly ionized Mg-like Scandium excited in energetic collisions.

Authors Stolterfoht N.,  Kádár I.,  Sataka M.,  Kawatsura K.,  Naramoto H.,  Nakai Y.,  Yamazaki Y.,  Komaki K.,  Kuroki K.,  Kanai Y.,  Kambara T.,  Awaya Y.,  Saitana W.,  Hansen J. E.
Megjelenés helye Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Bereich Schwerionenphysik Annual Report/Jahresbericht 1990 0 (1991) 165
Character Annual Report
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics



Authors Kawatsura K.,  Sataka M.,  Naramoto H.,  Imai M.,  Komaki K.,  Yamazaki Y.,  Kuroki K.,  Kanai Y.,  Kambara T.,  Awaya Y.,  Hansen J. E.,  Kádár I.,  Stolterfoht N.
Megjelenés helye SCI Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 53 (1991) 421
Impact factor 1.1791991
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics

H29551 --> P9254

Megjelenés helye Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Year of publication 2009
Page 2048
Volume 163
Füzetszám 1
Hivatkozó Kawatsura K.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:400.2270
Non-locally cited publications:300.1740
Cited SCIpublications:300.1850
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:200.1330
SCICited publications:300.1740
Non-locally SCIcited publications:300.1740
SCICited SCIpublications:200.1330
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:200.1330
Non-local citations:400.230
Non-local SCIcitations:300.1740
Averaged impact:0.75700.8630
SCIaveraged impact:1.51400.3390
Citational effectivity:1.2500.2270
Non-local citational effectivity:1.33300.1740
SCIcitational effectivity:100.1740
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:100.1740
Publications, n:12.6000
SCIPublications, n:14.2000
Cited publications, n:17.5000
Non-locally cited publications, n:17.333000
Cited SCIpublications, n:15.667000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:14.5000
SCICited publications, n:17.333000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:17.333000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:14.5000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:14.5000