APHA Szerző - Vrabec M.4


 Miocene emplacement and rapid cooling of the Pohorje pluton at the Alpine-Pannonian-Dinaridic junction, Slovenia.

Authors Fodor L. I.,  Gerdes A.,  Dunkl I.,  Koroknai B.,  Pécskay Z.,  Trajanova M.,  Horváth P.,  Vrabec M.,  Jelen B.,  Balogh K.,  Frisch W.
Megjelenés helye Swiss Journal of Geosciences Supplement 101 (2008) S255
Impact factor 0.7882008
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (12)


 Connection of neogene basin formation, magmatism and cooling of metamorphics in NE Slovenia.

Authors Fodor L. I.,  Jelen B.,  Márton E.,  Zupancic N.,  Trajanova M.,  Rifelj H.,  Pécskay Z.,  Balogh K.,  Koroknai B.,  Dunkl I.,  Horváth P.,  Horvat A.,  Vrabec M.,  Kraljic M.,  Kevric R.
Megjelenés helye Geologica Carpathica 53 (2002) 199
Impact factor 0.1472002
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.
Linkek Hivatkozások (5)


 Connection of neogene basin formation, magmatism and cooling of metamorphics in NE Slovenia.

Authors Fodor L. I.,  Jelen B.,  Márton E.,  Zupancic N.,  Trajanova M.,  Rifelj H.,  Pécskay Z.,  Balogh K.,  Koroknai B.,  Dunkl I.,  Horváth P.,  Horvat A.,  Vrabec M.,  Kraljic M.,  Kevric R.
Megjelenés helye Bratislava 17th International Conference on Carpato-Balcanic Geology. Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 1, 2002 0 (2002) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.

H17031 --> P21217

Megjelenés helye SCI Lithos
Year of publication 2012
Page 40
Volume 144
Hivatkozó Vrabec M.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció
Összes Hivatkozása

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:200.0790
Non-locally cited publications:200.0790
Cited SCIpublications:0000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:0000
SCICited publications:200.0790
Non-locally SCIcited publications:200.0790
SCICited SCIpublications:0000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:0000
Non-local citations:1700.7120
Non-local SCIcitations:1700.7120
Averaged impact:0.31200.1120
SCIaveraged impact:0000
Citational effectivity:8.500.0790
Non-local citational effectivity:8.500.0790
SCIcitational effectivity:8.500.0790
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:8.500.0790
Publications, n:12.667000
SCIPublications, n:0000
Cited publications, n:12000
Non-locally cited publications, n:12000
Cited SCIpublications, n:0000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:0000
SCICited publications, n:12000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:12000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:0000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:0000