Authors | Orbán A. |
Megjelenés helye | International Symposium on Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage in Physics, Chemistry and Technology, Current Status and Future Directions 25 Years after the Introduction of STIRAP. Kaiserslautern, Germany, 22-25 Sept., 2015 0 (2015) 0 |
Character | Conf. abstract, poster, talk |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Authors | Orbán A. |
Megjelenés helye | 30th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions. ICPEAC 30. Cairns, Tropical Queensland, Australia, 26 July - 1 Aug., 2017 0 (2017) 0 |
Character | Conf. abstract, poster, talk |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Authors | Orbán A., Dulieu O., Bouloufa-Maafa N. |
Megjelenés helye | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 875 (2017) 2003 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Authors | Vexiau R., Borsalino D., Lepers M., Orbán A., Aymar M., Dulieu O., Bouloufa-Maafa N. |
Megjelenés helye | SCI International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 36 (2017) 709 |
Impact factor | 9.4062017 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Linkek | Hivatkozások (1) |
Authors | Orbán A. |
Megjelenés helye | Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, CNRS UMR 9188, Université Paris-Sud, ENS-Cachan, Orsay, France, 17 Nov., 2015 0 (2015) 0 |
Character | Other abstract, poster, talk |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Authors | Orbán A. |
Megjelenés helye | 3rd Annual Meeting of GDR ThéMS. Orsay, France, 12-13 Nov., 2015 0 (2015) 0 |
Character | Conf. abstract, poster, talk |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Authors | Orbán A., Vexiau R., Krieglsteiner O., Nagerl H. -C., Dulieu O., Crubellier A., Bouloufa-Maafa N. |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Physical Review A 92 (2015) 2510 |
Impact factor | 2.7652015 |
Character | Scientific paper, proceedings |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Linkek | Hivatkozások (3) |
Authors | Orbán A. |
Megjelenés helye | Molecular Physics Workshop. Caen, France, 7-10 July, 2015 0 (2015) 0 |
Character | Conf. abstract, poster, talk |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Authors | Orbán A. |
Megjelenés helye | Journe'e Avancement du Domaine d'Intéret Majeur (Nano-K, Reseau Francilien des Atomes Froides aux Nanosciences). Paris, France, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 3 Dec., 2014 0 (2014) 0 |
Character | Conf. abstract, poster, talk |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Authors | Orbán A. |
Megjelenés helye | Colloque commun de la division PAMO (Physique Atomique, Moléculaire et Optique) de la SFP (Société Francaise de Physique et des JSM (Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire). Reims, France, 7-10 Juillet, 2014 0 (2014) 0 |
Character | Conf. abstract, poster, talk |
Topics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Megjelenés helye | SCI Computer Physics Communications |
Year of publication | 2003 |
Page | 199 |
Volume | 151 |
Hivatkozó | Orbán A. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Megjelenés helye | Naukovij Visnik Uzhgorods'kogo Universitetu, Seriya Fizika |
Year of publication | 2000 |
Page | 305 |
Hivatkozó | Orbán A. |
Linkek | Hivatkozott Publikáció |
Szerzői Táblázat
Total | Headed by ATOMKI under name of the author |
Part of the author | Part of the author & ATOMKI | |
Publications: | 93 | 82 | 27.156 | 24.029 |
SCIPublications: | 15 | 9 | 1.981 | 1.389 |
Cited publications: | 17 | 10 | 1.921 | 1.253 |
Non-locally cited publications: | 17 | 10 | 1.921 | 1.253 |
Cited SCIpublications: | 14 | 8 | 1.731 | 1.139 |
Non-locally cited SCIpublications: | 14 | 8 | 1.731 | 1.139 |
SCICited publications: | 16 | 9 | 1.755 | 1.086 |
Non-locally SCIcited publications: | 16 | 9 | 1.755 | 1.086 |
SCICited SCIpublications: | 13 | 7 | 1.564 | 0.973 |
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications: | 13 | 7 | 1.564 | 0.973 |
Citations: | 111 | 38 | 7.971 | 3.379 |
Non-local citations: | 108 | 36 | 7.766 | 3.299 |
SCICitations: | 111 | 38 | 7.971 | 3.379 |
Non-local SCIcitations: | 84 | 25 | 6.11 | 2.303 |
Impact~2017: | 47.429 | 23.153 | 27.156 | 24.029 |
Averaged impact: | 0.51 | 0.282 | 27.156 | 24.029 |
SCIaveraged impact: | 3.162 | 2.573 | 1.981 | 1.389 |
Citational effectivity: | 6.529 | 3.8 | 1.921 | 1.253 |
Non-local citational effectivity: | 6.353 | 3.6 | 1.921 | 1.253 |
SCIcitational effectivity: | 5.375 | 2.889 | 1.755 | 1.086 |
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity: | 5.25 | 2.778 | 1.755 | 1.086 |
Publications, n: | 4.295 | 3.609 | 0 | 0 |
SCIPublications, n: | 5.933 | 2.667 | 0 | 0 |
Cited publications, n: | 7.706 | 5.4 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally cited publications, n: | 7.706 | 5.4 | 0 | 0 |
Cited SCIpublications, n: | 6.286 | 2.875 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n: | 6.286 | 2.875 | 0 | 0 |
SCICited publications, n: | 8.063 | 5.778 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n: | 8.063 | 5.778 | 0 | 0 |
SCICited SCIpublications, n: | 6.615 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n: | 6.615 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
z-index: | 5 | 3 | 0 | 0 |