Asymptotic constrains and continued fractions

Szeminárium Asymptotic constrains and continued fractions

PAPP Zoltán

California State University (Long Beach, USA)
Időpont 2015-06-04 11:00
Helyszín MTA Atomki, nagyelőadó (Debrecen, Bem tér 18/c, XII. épület 3. emelet)
Esemény leírása

In standard scattering theory it is assumed that the particles move freely at asymptotic distances. In this lecture we study systems where this is not the case. In the solution method the continued fractions play a crucial role. In particular we consider two- and three-particle systems with Coulomb and confining interactions. Relativity can also be considered as a kind of constrain. We sketch the extension of the method for relativistic systems.

Egyéb információ

Before the event (from 10:30) we offer a cup of tea and some cookies.